How To Use Global Styles In SvelteKit

Published Nov 24, 2022

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You can include your global styles inside app.html in SvelteKit but then you can’t take advantage of HMR (hot module replacement) since SvelteKit has no idea the file got updated.

<!-- ... -->
      h1 {
        color: aqua;
<!-- ... -->


Instead use a +layout.svelte file and import your styles.

h1 {
  color: aqua;
  import '../app.css'

<slot />

The base layout wraps the entire SvelteKit app.


Svelte ignores styles that aren’t part of your template which sucks when you don’t have control over the markup from a CMS (content management system), or the markup is inside another component.

In that case you can use :global.

  export let data

<div class="prose">
  {@html data.content}

  :global(.prose h1) {
    color: aqua;

You can scope .prose to the component if you want.

<!-- ... -->

  .prose :global(h1) {
    color: aqua;

SvelteKit by default comes with the svelte-preprocess preprocessor where you can use the global attribute on the <style> tag to avoid typing :global everywhere if you’re not using SASS.

<!-- ... -->

<style global>
  .prose h1 {
    color: aqua;

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